Converting Unix timestamp 1422829800 using our Time Converter gives us the following information:
1422829800 is representing the 31 day of the year 2015 in the Gregorian calendar, having 365 days. There are 334 days left of the year and this particular timestamp falls on a Sunday, February 01 of week 05 at 22:30 UTC in the afternoon meaning that about 94% of the day has passed. At this specifc time, the moon was in its Waxing gibbous phase, about 247,485 miles (or 398,289 km) from Earth.
On this day, many notable and historically important events have taken place. But to only mention a few, in year 1327, the teenaged Edward III is crowned King of England, but the country is ruled by his mother Queen Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. And later in 1411 the First Peace of Thorn is signed in Thorn (Toruń), Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights (Prussia). More recently, in 2009 the First cabinet of Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir was formed in Iceland, making her the country's first female prime minister and the world's first openly gay head of government.
We've also, tragically, seen a few famous deaths throughout history on this day. One notable mention is in 583 when Kan Bahlam I, ruler of Palenque (born in 524) passed away and in 772 when Pope Stephen III (born in 720) left us. And more recently, Remi De Roo, Canadian bishop of the Catholic Church (born in 1924) who died in in 2022.
February 1, or 1422829800, is also a day that we should celebrate. This date marks the birth of many influential people throughout history, including Walter de Stapledon, English bishop and politician, Lord High Treasurer (died in 1326) who was born in 1261, and later in 1435 - Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy (died in 1472). More recently, Talanoa Hufanga, American football player who was born in 2000.
Conversion help
For your conveniance, we have listed the conversion syntaxes for 1422829800 timestamp to serveral of the most popular programming lanugages below.
PHP | date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1422829800); |
MySQL | select from_unixtime(1422829800); |
JavaScript | new Date(1422829800*1000).toString(); |
C++ | time_t epch = 1422829800; printf("%i -> %s", epch, asctime(gmtime(&epch))); (time.h); |
C# | String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(1422829800)); |
Java | new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(1422829800 * 1000L)) |
Ruby | require 'date' DateTime.strptime("1422829800",'%s') |
Binary | 10101001 10011101 01010001 1101000 |
Hexadecimal | 54cea8e8 |
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