Converting Unix timestamp 1800000000 using our Time Converter gives us the following information:
1800000000 is representing the 14 day of the year 2027 in the Gregorian calendar, having 365 days. There are 351 days left of the year and this particular timestamp falls on a Friday, January 15 of week 02 at 08:00 UTC in the monrning meaning that about 33% of the day has passed. At this specifc time, the moon will be in its First quarter phase, about 236,976 miles (or 381,377 km) from Earth.
On this day, many notable and historically important events have taken place. But to only mention a few, in year 1541, king Francis I of France gives Jean-François Roberval a commission to settle the province of New France (Canada) and provide for the spread of the "Holy Catholic faith". And later in 1582 Truce of Yam-Zapolsky: Russia cedes Livonia to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. More recently, in 1889 The Coca-Cola Company, then known as the Pemberton Medicine Company, is incorporated in Atlanta.
We've also, tragically, seen a few famous deaths throughout history on this day. One notable mention is in 69 when Galba, Roman emperor (born in 3 BC) passed away and in 378 when Chak Tok Ich'aak I, Mayan ruler left us. And more recently, Ida Kleijnen, Dutch chef (born in 1936) who died in in 2019.
January 15, or 1800000000, is also a day that we should celebrate. This date marks the birth of many influential people throughout history, including Afonso V of Portugal (died in 1481) who was born in 1432, and later in 1462 - Edzard I, Count of East Frisia, German noble (died in 1528). More recently, George Lowe, New Zealand-English mountaineer and explorer (died in 2013) who was born in 1924.
Conversion help
For your conveniance, we have listed the conversion syntaxes for 1800000000 timestamp to serveral of the most popular programming lanugages below.
PHP | date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1800000000); |
MySQL | select from_unixtime(1800000000); |
JavaScript | new Date(1800000000*1000).toString(); |
C++ | time_t epch = 1800000000; printf("%i -> %s", epch, asctime(gmtime(&epch))); (time.h); |
C# | String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(1800000000)); |
Java | new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(1800000000 * 1000L)) |
Ruby | require 'date' DateTime.strptime("1800000000",'%s') |
Binary | 11010110 10010011 10100100 0000000 |
Hexadecimal | 6b49d200 |
A few related timestamps to 1800000000 are: